Our Accomplishments

As we complete activities and have success toward our objectives, we will post them here. Each will identify the activity or objective as it's listed on the appropriate page. We promise to try to avoid "fluff". That is to say, we want our accomplishments to be real and measurable, not just fancy words to make it sound like we're doing something!

Updated 16 Sep 23: Accomplishment Related to Objective 1: Foster and preserve a strong sense of community and build resiliency

Among the many things Friends of Falcon organizers monitor is El Paso County’s political redistricting process. One consideration in redistricting is keeping communities of interest together, but early in the process Falcon was not identified as one of those communities. At the Redistricting Commission’s meeting on June 21st, the Friends of Falcon Chair recommend adding it as one, and Commissioners invited us to develop a map and submit it. We submitted the map on the 27th of June (it mirrors the Friends of Falcon boundaries) and we are pleased to note that the County officially included Falcon as a community of interest in their considerations, and the final redistricting map kept the community intact! This will directly help preserve the Falcon community. The submitted map, citizen comments, and the County’s updated presentations that include Falcon as a "community of interest" are all available on the County’s website at https://www.elpasoco.com/redistricting